(eng) P. W. Catanese - Books of Umber 01 by Happenstance Found

(eng) P. W. Catanese - Books of Umber 01 by Happenstance Found

Author:Happenstance Found [Found, Happenstance]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00



“I think we’ll attempt it right here,” Umber said. “It’s such a peaceful spot. Sit, Hap.”

They were back on the terrace atop the Aerie, under the tree of many fruits. Oates was with them for safekeeping, but Umber asked the big fellow to give them privacy, so he leaned against the balcony, out of earshot.

Warm air billowed, and hanging chimes played random melodies. The stars blazed with diamond brilliance overhead, though fingers of dark cloud had begun to reach across the sky from the north. Hap lay on the bench with his head propped on a pillow, and Umber sat on a stool beside him.

“Will this really help me remember?” Hap asked.

“It might,” Umber said. “Mind you, I’ve never tried it before.”

“Then how do you know what to do?”

Umber tugged at his nose. “I, er, did some research.” He quickly diverted the conversation. “But if this fails, we have other options. We’ll go ask Smudge, our archivist, what he might know about you.” Hap frowned, remembering the wild man who’d thrown rotten fruit at him and Lady Truden.

“And if that yields nothing,” Umber said, “there’s someone else we can talk to. But since we both need to stay relaxed right now, I’ll say no more about that.” He rubbed his hands together. “Let’s begin, Hap. First, close your eyes and make yourself as comfortable as you can. Good. Now take a deep breath. The deepest you’ve ever taken. Hold it for a moment, and let it out slowly.”

Hap shut his eyes. His chest rose as he filled it with air.

Umber dropped his voice to a slow, soothing hush. “Very nice. Again, Hap, but breathe with your mouth this time … yes. Much better. We’ll do ten more, and I’ll count with you. One. Two. Three. Four …”

Umber kept counting, and Hap kept breathing deeply. Umber told Hap to relax his body muscle by muscle, from his fingers to his shoulders, from his toes to his hips, from his head to his waist. From the moment he’d awoken in Alzumar, Hap had been unsettled, endangered, and hopelessly lost; but now he felt like a rope tied with a thousand knots slipping loose.

Umber whispered, suggesting images that came to life in Hap’s mind. Hap walked down imaginary stairs, feeling more at ease with each step down. He envisioned a cask filled with all his concerns, and the spigot opened up and the worries drained away. He pictured a shining candle in a dark room and pretended that nothing else existed. The world faded away. The lids of his eyes seemed to flutter on their own. Is this what sleep is like? he wondered.

Umber told Hap his right arm was as weightless as a feather—so light that it would begin to rise. And it did, floating up at Hap’s side, until Umber told him to let it fall.

“Wonderful,” Umber whispered. Then he asked Hap to remember. He took him back in time.

Remember sailing into Kurahaven.

Remember riding the leviathan barge, and the smell of spices inside.


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